Menopause treatment Summerfield, FL - Balance Hormone Clinic

Understanding Menopause

What is Menopause?

Menopause is a natural transition in a woman's life when her period stops permanently and she no longer ovulates or can get pregnant naturally. The years leading up to menopause are called perimenopause. During perimenopause, levels of estrogen and other hormones fluctuate and start to decline. This phase can last for several years before a woman's final period.

The average age for menopause is around 51, but it can happen anytime between the ages of 40 and 55. Every woman's experience is different.

Key signs of menopause include changes in periods, hot flashes, trouble sleeping, vaginal dryness, and emotional changes like mood swings. Some women also have bladder control issues, joint pain, and other health concerns.

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Menopause Causes and Risk Factors

Menopause occurs when a woman's ovaries stop making normal levels of key hormones, mainly estrogen and progesterone. This happens naturally as women age. The years leading up to menopause are called perimenopause.

Certain factors can increase a woman's risk of early menopause, before age 40. These include:

Women who go through early menopause face higher risks of heart disease, bone loss, and other issues. That's why it's so important to manage hormones.

Signs and Symptoms

The symptom most women associate with menopause is hot flashes. But many women have emotional and physical changes during perimenopause too. It helps to know what to expect so you can get relief.

Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are sudden feelings of intense body heat. They are due to hormonal shifts affecting the body's temperature regulation. Hot flashes typically last from 30 seconds to several minutes. Symptoms may include:

Some triggers for hot flashes include caffeine, spicy foods, alcohol, stress, and warm environments. Tracking triggers in a journal can help identify hot flash patterns.

Vaginal and Urinary Changes

With declining estrogen levels, some women develop symptoms like:

These issues often respond well to treatment with hormone therapy and certain lifestyle adjustments.

Sleep Disruptions

Up to 61% of menopausal women have some type of sleep problem including:

Night sweats can disrupt sleep by causing intense heat and heavy sweating. Changing hormone levels also directly affect sleep regulation.

Emotional Changes

Many women report emotional ups and downs during perimenopause and menopause. Common issues include:

Hormonal changes impact key brain chemicals that regulate moods. Things often improve with hormone therapy.

Other physical symptoms may include fatigue, weight gain, thinning hair, dry skin, joint pain, decreased muscle mass, and heart palpitations.

Find relief for menopause symptoms. Act now!

Long-Term Health Risks

In addition to quality of life issues around disruptive menopause symptoms, declining estrogen levels from menopause pose some long-term health risks that hormone therapy can help minimize.


Lower estrogen after menopause accelerates bone loss, increasing a woman's risk of developing osteoporosis. This condition causes bones to become dangerously thin and fragile. Symptoms include:

After age 50, 1 in 3 women will have an osteoporosis-related fracture in her lifetime. Getting enough calcium plus vitamin D and weight-bearing exercise helps strengthen bones. But many women still need medication.

Heart Disease

Without estrogen's protective effects on blood vessels and cholesterol profile, women are more prone to cardiovascular disease risks including:

Managing menopause hormones can lower these risks. Quitting smoking and leading a heart-healthy lifestyle are also key.

Benefits of Hormone Therapy

The goal of hormone therapy (HT) is replacing depleting estrogen and progesterone to:

  1. Relieve troublesome menopause symptoms
  2. Reduce long-term health risks like osteoporosis and heart disease

Millions of women undergo successful hormone therapy for 5-10 years or more, customizing their treatment plans based on personal needs and health profile.

There are excellent symptom control options today including bioidentical hormones. When started early, women can continue an active, energized life after menopause.

Hot Flash Relief

For many women, hormone therapy brings tremendous hot flash relief. It lowers the intensity and frequency for most:

This relief lets women sleep better, stops embarrassing sweat-soaked moments, and reduces menopause-related anxiety.

Restored Quality of Life

Restoring optimal hormone balance regulates key functions impacted by menopause:

Mood stability improves: - Less anxiety - Reduced depression - Fewer angry outbursts

Cognition gets sharper: - Clearer thinking - Better focus - Improved memory

Energy rebounds: - Less fatigue - Improved stamina - Renewed motivation

Sex drive revives, with benefits like: - Increased arousal - Improved vaginal lubrication - Reduced painful intercourse

Long-Term Protection

In addition to feeling better now, hormone therapy started within 5 years of menopause helps protect future health.

Controlling menopause symptoms today safeguards health and vitality for years ahead.

Interesting fact

An innovative new menopause treatment that is showing great promise in clinical trials uses low doses of estradiol along with progesterone cycling to help eliminate hot flashes and night sweats while avoiding the downsides of traditional hormone therapy. The approach better mimics natural hormones.

Menopause Treatment Approach

The goal of Balance Hormone Clinic is restoring hormone balance to optimize health, quality of life, and protect your future. We create fully personalized plans just for you including:

With an integrative approach, over 85% of women find meaningful symptom relief and improved wellbeing.

Initial Consultation

Your journey begins with an in-depth consultation including:

A physical exam checks vitals like blood pressure, BMI, and breast exam.

We also discuss heart health, bone density, and risk factors impacting your menopause management.

You'll leave your first visit feeling educated, empowered and hopeful!

Advanced Hormone Testing

Next comes advanced hormone testing to pinpoint any imbalances. This includes blood tests plus saliva testing which shows hormone fluctuations during the day.

We test key hormones including:

Estrogen - dips too low after menopause Progesterone - declines relative to estrogen Testosterone - vital for energy and sexual health Thyroid (T3 & T4) - impacts metabolism, weight, energy DHEA - essential adrenal androgen Cortisol - stress affects hormone balance

Testing provides an accurate hormone profile so we can create your customized treatment.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Balance Hormone Clinic specializes in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). These plant-derived hormones are molecularly identical to your own. Options include:

We tailor your regimen based on lab results, symptoms, lifestyle, preferences, and health profile.

Starting with the lowest effective dose helps your body adjust. We fine-tune from there.

Most women start feeling gradually better within a few weeks to months. We follow-up regularly to ensure your optimal balance.

Lifestyle Optimization

Getting good sleep, nutritious diet, regular exercise, and stress relief provide the foundation for hormone health. We offer personalized tips like:

Adopting even a few healthy habits turbo-charges your hormone therapy results!

We also provide references for high quality local resources in Summerfield like:

And references for nearby lab testing at facilities like AnyLabTestNow.

Improving lifestyle factors creates an optimal internal and external environment so you can thrive!

Ongoing Support

Hormone therapy is an ongoing partnership. It evolves as we age or life changes occur. We see most women 1-2x yearly to:

Think of us as your hormone health co-pilots through the journey ahead. With expert guidance, you can navigate menopause smoothly and minimize associated health risks.

We partner with your other doctors ensuring coordinated care.

Balance Hormone Clinic clinic has over 15 years' experience helping hundreds of local women restore balance, energy and zest for life after menopause.

Take control of your menopause symptoms today!

Start Your Menopause Treatment Journey Today

We invite you to schedule a new patient appointment with one of our menopause specialists and find hope for your next chapter.

Relieving uncomfortable symptoms - and ending the confusion about how to treat menopause safely - provides peace of mind today, and protects your health long-term.

To get started, call Balance Hormone Clinic at (555)123-4567 or request an appointment on our website at:

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